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A Thing Cardservice Changes Announced
'Tis the Season


If you sell to a seasonal industry or region, you know that "off-season" can be a tough time for sales. Whether it's a lawn and garden store that experiences a lull in the winter months or a vacation destination that sees a lack of tourists between seasons, all businesses experience highs and lows. Unfortunately, during the lows merchants tend to operate sleaner and are not as likely to purchase new services. Or are they?

The off-season could be the best time for you to visit the seasonal merchants in your area. This is the time when they're planning their next strategy, and for you to position yourself and your product to be part of that strategy.

Show how your new terminal will accommodate the rushes. Demonstrate how the new software you've added to your services will make end of day closeouts easier and faster. Explain the floor plan and how it will allow your employees to work without interruptions. Explain how the printer uses less paper.

Stress to your prospect that there is never time to slack off. Merchants always have to be improving their service and their quality, no matter what season it is. Explain how your products will help them do that.

Good Selling!

Paul H. Green

