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A Thing The Perfect Opener
The Perfect Opener

do not know how you prefer to sell, but I choose the consultative selling approach. In selling Financial Services, I believe most sales professionals would like to believe that the sale they make today will get them a referral tomorrow, or a future opportunity to sell another product or service to that same prospect. For either of these opportunities to materialize, the prospect must be happy with the lead product or service.

Even so, we all know that things can go wrong. Transactions can take longer than they should for approval, get hung up in programming or connectivity issues, or just not yield the revenue expected. So I have always looked for a "perfect" lead product or service that is essentially error-proof.

A proprietary product from Noverus, Inc., called Financial Partner®, could be "the" opening product to the consultative sale.

It is a personal financial management system whose concepts are very simple, but the product itself is rich in design and beautifully executed. Financial Partner will help users organize all of their paperwork and make those difficult financial decision affecting their personal financesófinancial independence/retirement, major expenditures, investments, taxes, insurance and estate planning.

The print version, now available, includes a guidebook, worksheets, and a binder of useful forms as well as a Financial Organizer for storing important documents. The software and on-line version, due out this fall, use the same content and ask carefully designed question and perform math calculations as part of a multi-step, life-planning process that really empowers the user.

Best of all, the print package is only $95.00 for a single unit and when ordered in quantity can be private labeled. It appears to your prospect that your organization provides the system they need to improve the management of their finances. For more information, contact Noverus at (707) 775-2960 or e-mail