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A Thing Real World Answers to Common POS Questions
Real World Answers to Common POS Questions


I was recently impressed with a particular handout prepared by Brett Mansdorf , Southern Regional Sales Manager for Lipman USA. (You know, the Nurit people). The material comes from the mind of a real street guy, and I thought others would find it interesting. (Of course, it promotes Lipman, but that's Brett's job, isn't it?)

1. Merchant tells you that they want to use an old printer.

A possible answer: Because the operating system of the Nurit terminals operate like a PC, the merchant CAN use virtually any printer. In fact the ISO can set the printer without a download.

2. Merchant doesn't think POS terminal is worth what he paid, and would be reluctant to buy another. Notes, "Damn box sits there, costs me money, and for what?"

A possible answer: With the purchase of a Nurit terminal a merchant can get in the phone activation business through the terminal. With benefits such as recurring billing applications like Visa Easy Pay or EBT the equipment can become even more of a money maker for both the merchant and the ISO.

3. Merchant wants wireless mobility but won't pay roamer fees.

A possible answer: The Nurit wireless 2070 terminal operates on communications systems, which eliminates the roamer fees.

Brett would love for you to have all these questions and answers (which are extensive), but you will have to get the rest from him. While I have edited and minimized some of the elements, I think the information is great and a must-have tool. If you're selling or interested in selling Lipman, contact Brett at (972) 790-5236 and ask for the "Issues at Hand: Have You Ever Encountered These?" piece, or ask The Green Sheet staff and we will get it to you.