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A Thing Something You May Need
Something You May Need


As your office or agency grows from one or two people to many others, you may be finding that you have to spend some advertising dollars to find people. Actually, even if you are working alone, you may have already found that you need to design adverting materials to use in conjunction with the materials that your bank, check service, or equipment manufacturers provide.

If you are looking for software, Adams Streetwise "Do-It-Yourself Advertising" is a great package. While many people may see this as a product to help you design a small business plan, the truth is that it also helps to write great ad copy, layout print ads, and develop Promotions and Marketing Plans.

CompUSA (800) 266-7872 carries the product and if you're interested, you may also wish to check out other Adams Streetwise products such as "Small Business Start-up" and "500 Businesses You Can Start."