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A Thing Brainstorming for Success
Brainstorming for Success


One way to stimulate growth and profits, is to break from your normal routine and find new sources for leads. If you usually depend on cold calls or a "leads group," look around for other opportunities. How long has it been since you checked the business directory or phone book? What about checking magazines and television ads? Friends and neighbors are often another good source (it's who you know, remember). Set a goal of one new prospect every time you visit the mall or supermarket. When it's time to get your sales piece in front of the customer, use an innovative approach. Add punch to your introductory letter by enclosing a small gift they will remember. Finally, make your presentation memorable by using humor tailored to your new prospect's business.

Another key to success is to brainstorm about potential obstacles in your industry and have a plan of action ready. How will technology affect your industry in the next six months? How will it influence your customers' purchasing decisions? Stay abreast of potential changes and formulate plans ahead of time. Often, being the first one with a solution means getting the account.

Stimulate sales by jump starting the creative thinking process. Think of new and different ways to solve old problems without worrying about how practical they are for the moment. Write them down, no matter how silly they may seem. Later, expand each idea into several more. When this process is complete you can switch to practical thinking to edit and reformulate the list.

Also, avoid negative thinking patterns by playing the "what if" game. Allow your mind to indulge a little in the answers that emerge. You may discover some new strategies for dealing with challenges you face every day. Share your opinion with your co-workers. New ideas are often springboards to creativity.

Break from routine and take the time to brainstorm and think outside of the box. It may be just what you need to jumpstart your sales.