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A Thing Invent

Inventing Today


Just because someone else thought of an idea or concept doesn't mean you can't take that idea and make it your own, or modify it to work for you. For example, the fact that someone failed to sell an account doesn't mean that you can't sell the same account today, because you are able to build on some ideas and thoughts your predecessor developed. Some of the best inventions and opportunities are expansions on previous concepts and failings. Just ask any inventor.

If you see a unique idea somewhere, change it, make it your own, and use it. For example, if you see a creative way to approach a prospect, such as an enlarged check with the merchant's name in the payee section, expand on that idea and enlarge a $100 bill and put your face in the middle! Or, if you see a mock personal ad advertising a product, maybe you could expand on that idea and design a WANTED poster and put your prospect's data on it.

Then pass your project by someone else, a friend or colleague. Don't be afraid someone will "steal" your concept-imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! After all, when you put your ideas with someone else's, they often get better!



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