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A Thing Letters

Letters to the Editor:



Great job again! Your listing of processors and the information about them was very helpful. I made some great contacts. I now look forward to each issue of The Green Sheet and have mentioned it to many of my associates in the industry. Please put me down for the binder offer.

Jack Goodhart

Tucson, AZ



Thanks, we continue to try and bring useful information to those hard working ISOs in the Financial Services Marketplace. We will get a binder out to you ASAP.



I work with a registered ISO/MSP by the name of Netcom Data Corp.

My partner and myself were thinking about putting an ad in The Green Sheet for hiring sales reps. How much of a response would one usually get from an ad?

Michael Plummer



The response will be a direct result of what your organization has to offer that is new and different from the other opportunities listed. If you have not looked over The Green Sheet of January 13, 1997 (Issue: 97:01:01), it will give you some ideas perhaps. (It is available online at if you do not have a copy.)

I have two other suggestions; we can do a short story on your business, or you can do a straight full page ad that we will stuff as a Green Sheet insert.

We offer listings in the Resource Guide, or we will do a story on any paid Green Sheet subscriber. If you are not a subscriber, the full page flyer is $750.00, or $600.00 for paid subscribers (one-time full-page). It may help you to know that we currently reach over 2,200 ISOs every two weeks, and The Green Sheet is being read over 5,700 times per week on-line, with a current history of 18 months, which will be the life of your story in The Green Sheet.



We are an ISO with Credit Card, Debit Card, and EFT capabilities. How can we be listed on your resource list for the EFT side of the business?

Tim Dougher

Money Mvr



The organizations listed in the resource guide are all subscribers of The Green Sheet. We would be more than happy to list your business, and to do a story on your business as well. Our subscription price is $425 ($125 for ISOs) and you can subscribe on-line at or by faxing your request to 707-586-1738.



Am interested in sharing how ECCHO (the Electronic Check Clearing House Organization) is moving the banking industry to electronify paper checks with your readers. Are you familiar with ECCHO? Please advise.

Sissy Toney



Yes, I am aware of ECCHO and the "electronification of checks". I would love to have more information for a story, in particular the economic argument for this direction.


Send Letters to the Editor to The Green Sheet, PO Box 6008, Petaluma, CA 94955-6008 or



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