Tending Your Sales Garden
While you're planting your spring vegetables and flowers, remember that it's time to tend to your garden of sales skills and methods. With any garden or project you need a plan of desired results, a decision on which seeds to plant and where. Without a desire only weeds will flourish. Without a sales plan the weeds of negative thinking and laziness will overtake your garden of prospects.
A Certified Sales Professional needs to nurture his/her garden of sales knowledge in order to harvest positive sales results (ongoing residuals). By planting new positive sales skills and ideas, and tending your garden daily through positive self-talk and productive discipline you will keep the weeds of negative thinking and laziness at bay.
Here is a simple daily regimen that will help keep your sales garden blooming.
1. Make 10% more call per day,
2. Ask for the Sale 10% more often,
3. Get to work 10 minutes earlier each day and spend this time on self-improvement, tending your garden of sales knowledge and skills,
4. Give 10 sincere compliments to your co-workers each week (2 compliments per day).
If you stick to this plan for two weeks you will see some immediate short-term results, and there are many long-term rewards to harvest by maintaining this discipline.
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