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A Thing
Tele-Charisma Tele-Charisma

When you stand face to face in front of your contact, it's easy to project a positive attitude through your body language, quality of service, dress and voice. But, when contacting potential clients over the phone, you have only your voice and choice of words to achieve the same result. With this in mind, it is paramount that you avoid words and phrases that might detract from a positive experience.

Here are some common pitfalls to watch out for;

1. Qualifiers: Don't use words like "about" or "approximately." Instead, make the client feel confident about your message with "exactly" or other decisive and definitive phrases.

2. Disclaimers: Statements of "Now, I might be wrong..." or "I don't think a check for the whole motorcycle will be a problem..." Rather, convince the contact that he/she is dealing with someone who is sure about themselves and their service. Make sure you know your services and can answer with authority.

3. Fillers: One of the surest ways to transmit to your contact that you haven't prepared for your conversation is using space-filling "Ummmms" and "Ahhhhhhs" and the dreaded "You know..."

4. Trying: Your contact wants to know that you can DO what you have been talking to him about for the past 10 minutes. Don't tell him/her that you'll try to get something done, tell him/her that you will and then do it.

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