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BSA Vision May Be Expanding
BSA Vision May Be Expanding

This article may well be for those of you who are not members of the BSA, although I will be honest in saying that I continue to try to lobby those who are BSA member, through articles on this subject.

I was very pleased that in the "President's Corner" article, written by BSA's current President Wyatt Baxter, Wyatt takes a stand on broadening the historical BSA vision.

Wyatt in discussing his views of whether there is actual bankcard growth in the marketplace today, or whether one ISO's gain is simply another's loss of a customer, says: "My sense is that we are nowhere near a zero sum game, if we acknowledge that we are in the transaction acquisition business which includes but is not limited to bankcard transactions. We are just at the early stages of growth in on line debit and procurement cards both of which offer a huge potential. Value added services such as frequent shopper/loyalty programs and the time clocking are approaching the turn-key stage and can generate large transaction volumes. Check guarantee and verification services are becoming more sophisticated and more necessary to the merchant."

This is a fresh view from the BSA, and we can only hope that it is not a singular one. It would be great if the BSA did indeed become more open to nontraditional market opportunities.

If you have access, checkout Cardlines, August 1995. The BSA may be reached at 816-561-8230, Ken Bowman is Executive Director.

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