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An Inclusive Solution to Take Merchants Online

Product: StoreSense 5.8
Company: Kurant Corp.

With everything we're hearing about the explosion of e-commerce, merchants of all sizes and types want to get in on the action. They might have great products to sell and a great angle to differentiate their products, but no idea of how to go about taking their businesses on the Internet.

While creating an online presence is not as easy as taking out an ad in the Yellow Pages, it doesn't have to involve a lot of frustrating steps either. How do merchants get started? What happens once they're online? Where do they go for answers?

Kurant Corp. is a company that specializes in e-business solutions for small and medium-size merchants. Its new StoreSense 5.8 product is an ideal way for brick-and-mortar merchants, from retailers to food services, to expand their horizons, giving them an entire online storefront.

StoreSense 5.8 is built on Kurant's e-commerce platform, and through partnerships with Web hosting, and design and e-mail services, the product offers a number of features to not only get merchants up and running, but to assist them in their business endeavors.

These features include a high level of transaction security, an optional link for posting to auction site eBay (eBay acquired Kurant on Jan. 13, 2005); inventory management; order fulfillment and e-mail marketing capabilities.

StoreSense 5.8 provides a wide range of merchants with an easy to use, cost-effective tool to help them compete with larger e-tailers. It's scalable depending on the size of merchants' operations so they can decide how many of the features they want to use or how far they want to take their business; merchants pay a monthly subscriber fee. The solution is downloadable from a CD and set up is straightforward, easy and quick. It's available for sale only through resellers; contact Kurant directly for distributor information.

Kurant Corp.
110 Sutter Street, Suite 410
San Francisco, CA 94104

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