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Interchange Untangled-Part 8

This is the eighth article in a series written in response to numerous reader requests for definitions of the various interchange levels. We are working with several industry experts to explain the interchange "buckets," and how transactions are assigned to the processing levels. For the associations' latest rates, see chart on page 77.

Corporate Cards

Visa Purchasing Card Large Ticket Rate

To qualify for the Purchasing Large Ticket program, a transaction must be made with a non-U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) purchasing card. The category applies to specific business-to-business Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) only. Merchant registration and applicable registration fees are required.

The MCC, Merchant Verification Value (MVV) and Acquirer BIN relationship must all be registered with Visa. The transaction must meet Custom Payment Service (CPS) requirements, be cleared in eight days, and Level 2 and Level 3 data must be provided.

The transaction amount can be any amount up to and including $10 million.

Visa GSA Purchasing Large Ticket 1 Rate

To qualify for this program, a transaction must meet GSA Purchasing Large Ticket requirements. The transaction must exceed the transaction amount threshold of $8,750 to receive this rate.

Visa GSA Purchasing Large Ticket Rate

To qualify for this program, a transaction must have a MCC that is defined as a Non-Travel Service. The card must be a GSA purchasing card and the merchant must be a GSA participant.

The transaction amount is equal to or greater than $5,000 for up to a maximum individual amount of $8,750. The transaction must meet CPS requirements; Level 2 and Level 3 data must be provided.

Visa Commercial Cards Rate

Visa uses the term 'commercial cards' to describe those designed for use in business-to-business transactions.

  • Visa Business Card-intended as a line of credit for small businesses. It is used for various business expenses such as supplies, equipment and advertising.

  • Visa Corporate Card-designed for large corporations' travel and entertainment (T&E) expenses.

  • Visa Purchasing Card-created for large corporations' purchasing departments for buying supplies and equipment.

Visa Commercial Card Electronic (T&E and Non-T&E) Rate

To qualify for this rate, the transaction must be CPS qualified as defined in Consumer Rates and be settled within two days of the transaction date.

T&E Merchant Rate

This rate applies to all CPS qualified Corporate/Business/Purchasing cards used at T&E merchants. Hotel and auto rental transactions must meet CPS Hotel or Auto Rental Card Present requirements.

Non-T&E Merchant Rate

This applies to purchasing cards used at non-T&E merchants when Level 2 data are not provided. It also applies to Corporate/Business cards at non-T&E merchants when Level 2 data are not provided.

If a non-T&E merchant provides the additional data elements, those transactions will move to the Consumer Rates category and will qualify for the appropriate CPS rate.

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