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Helping Issuers Manage Debit Card Programs

Mosaic Software has introduced PostCard, a complete debit card management and issuers services system. PostCard is designed to help Mosaic customers better manage card production and associated authorization services.

PostCard integrates with Postilion Realtime for a complete debit card management and issuer services solution. It provides services for multiple issuers, flexibility, card production management, speeding up card delivery to cardholders, fraud protection, full PIN processing management, a full range of validation and authorization services and Internet interface access.

Debit card management using PostCard lets processors provide service and support to multiple issuers. Issuers will receive the services they require, when they require them. Issuers often have different needs, and PostCard is able to accommodate any number of issuers as well as their specific needs. Card management programs are customizable within the system.

PostCard simplifies the process of implementing a fully functional debit card system for each issuer, and the system's flexibility ensures that issuer services can be designed individually so they are always customer driven. PostCard can be used alone or with an existing card base as an authorization service. The software scans the system on a regular basis to perform card management functions, such as defining new cards and updating or deleting existing cards.

Issuers can choose from PostCard's full range of authorization services, including address verification, EMV authorization or account-balance authorizations. Issuers are able to give their cardholders new cards, or replace lost or stolen cards, with temporary cards created by PostCard.

Cards are sent out only in inactive mode and can be used only when the cardholder goes through a validation process. Fraud prevention measures also include PIN activation on a secure device and PIN management using either the IBM or Visa verification scheme.

All PostCard user interfaces are Web-based and accessible through any computer running Internet Explorer; users access the services through a secured browser. There is no client software to be installed at the issuer location, and its compatibility with wizards simplifies configuration for the issuers.

Mosaic Software 800 Fairway Drive Suite 198 Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 1-888-4-MOSAIC

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