f all merchants were cut from the same cloth, there'd be no confusion about how to make a pitch and what to include to ensure the sale. However, each prospect possesses unique personality quirks. The smart seller recognizes key signs and utilizes corresponding hot buttons in personalized sales presentations to increase profitability.
Take a look at some of the predominant traits the experts say can make or break a sale:
Fact Finders. Obsessed with specifics, this group responds more positively to detailed data. Presentation hot button: statistics.
Touchy-Feelers. Emotion is the catalyst for this group. If you stir the right feelings in them, they'll buy. Presentation hot button: positive reinforcement.
Scratch-My-Backers. If you show a willingness to do something for this group in return for a simple action on their part, they're yours. Presentation hot button: rewards and incentives.
Tried and Truers. The shy group in this scenario, these prospects need reassurance that they're not the first ones on the block to try out your product. They need to see proof of success. Presentation hot button: testimonials.
Benefiters. The "show me" group, these prospects want to see the benefits of buying your product and services. Presentation hot button: product results.
Sense-of-Priders. Responding to products that give their business meaning and reaffirmation, this group is all about vision and the big picture. Presentation hot button: strong symbols.