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A Thing After the Sales Call...


After the Sales Call...


R emember that after you leave a sales call you should always think about how the call went and analyze what was positive and negative about the call. The more you think about how you approached the sale, the more you can find out what works and what doesn't.

Ask yourself a few simple questions:

1. What did I do right?

2. What did the prospect like about what I was saying?

3. What did the prospect dislike?

4. Did I make any mistakes?

5. How would my approach to this prospect change if I were to do the call over again?

As you think about the call you can identify where you succeeded and where you can improve. If you continue doing this with all your sales calls it will only increase your chances of making a professional and well prepared presentation and getting that sale you deserve.

Good Selling!

Paul H. Green


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