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A Thing PayPoint and RTP Partner


PayPoint and RTP Partner


    PayPoint, the electronic payment transaction processor, has traditionally been known as a processor for select, large retailers such as Albertson’s, Costco, and ARCO. While PayPoint is happy to have such successful accounts, they also wish to continue to diversify and grow by attracting small merchants and Internet merchants.

     To that end, PayPoint has formed a partnership with Real-Time Processing, Inc. (RTP). The goal of the project, which combines RTP’s sales network and Internet commerce experience with PayPoint’s high volume transaction capacity and technical experience, is to sell electronic payment processing nationwide to small merchants. RTP is currently bringing PayPoint merchants for both terminal-based and Internet payment processing services.

     “We’re the premier e-commerce ISO,” says David Savich of RTP. “We have our own Secure Transactions software, plus several ISO alliances. This new partnership is a turning point for us, because PayPoint’s processing capacity and know-how will help us grow dramatically.”

     “Our relationship with PayPoint has allowed us to dramatically increase our ISO alliances,” says RTP President Rob Newson. The plan is to have about a dozen working on this project, with a few hundred salespeople on the street. “We’re attracting quality ISOs for this project.”

     PayPoint will also benefit from the partnership. Jim Colombo, Channel Sales Manager for PayPoint said, “This partnership will help us sell our small merchant-oriented PayPro processing system, plus capture a greater portion of Internet business. We can accommodate the small merchant with a brick and mortar store plus a Web site, who wants a full-range of processing services, including e-commerce.”

     Another benefit, according to Colombo is that the partnership makes PayPoint more responsive to small merchants. “Because a large portion of small merchant sales are handled through ISOs, we want to be ISO-friendly. RTP is a good fit for us because they can bring us merchants and e-commerce traffic.”

     PayPoint’s Colombo has ambitious goals. “Within two years, we’d like to see about a third of PayPoint’s business coming from small merchants. And I’d like a portion of that to be Internet commerce.” Colombo also hopes the increased business will broaden PayPoint’s relationships with POS terminal manufacturers.

     Colombo says the challenge of the new partnership is to manage growth, staff properly, and provide quality service to merchants. “This is a bold new step for both PayPoint and RTP,” says Colombo, “and its generating a lot of enthusiasm.”

     For more information contact Jim Colombo at (213) 486-6475 or e-mail

     You can also access PayPoint online at


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