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A Thing An Easy $100

An Easy $100

  How hard do you have to work for $100?

     Our guess it takes quite a few sales presentations, phone calls, memos, notes, miles, and just plain legwork to get that $100 residual check. What would you say if we told you anyone can earn $100 just for chatting for 2 or 3 minutes or for sending an e-mail?

     Itís true and it is not too good to be true.

      Itís The Green Sheetís Tales of Sales Experience Reward Program. We want to hear your stories of sales success. And, your success story does not have to mean you sold the account, it could be that youíre one step closer or that youíve found a more efficient way to work.

  • Did you finally close that elusive sale?
  • Did you come up with a creative scheme to meet with a prospect who wouldnít take your calls?
  • Have you discovered a way to work smarter, rather than harder?
  • Did you miss one sale but pick up another you hadnít anticipated?
  • Were you able to sign the account that everyone thought was impossible?

     We want you to share your success stories with other Green Sheet readers and all you have to do is call us or e-mail us and relate your story, in your own words. You can leave your story on our Tales of Sales Experience Hotline (800-757-4441, ext. 6 ) or you can e-mail your story to It doesnít have to be lengthy-just enough to get your point across.

   Where else can you invest so little and earn $100? Call todayówhen those holiday bills come in, that $100 will come in handy! ($100 will be paid for published stories).

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