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February 14, 2022  •  Issue 22:02:01

                       Blockchain, cryptocurrency

                           moving into mainstream

                                                               In this, the first of a two-part series, we provide an overview
                                                               of cryptocurrency, the underlying technology, blockchain,
                                                               and crypto payments. Part two will detail crypto's journey
                                                               to the retail POS.
                                                               Crypto is just one blockchain use case

                                                               Cryptocurrency  is  a  medium  of  exchange  that  is  digital,
                                                               encrypted, decentralized and based on blockchain
                                                               technology. A blockchain is an open, distributed database
                                                               (or ledger) that records information in code; the ledger is
                                                               collectively maintained by all participants.

                                                               While blockchain  technology underpins cryptocurrency,
                                                               its uses are not limited to payments. A blockchain can
                                                               be used to transfer any type of information, including
                                                               property ownership rights, insurance claims, and securities
        By Patti Murphy                                        and payment transactions. The decentralized nature of
                                                               blockchain technology is expected to have a huge impact on
                  ryptocurrency,  once  the domain of  tech-savvy   financial services, which historically have been centralized.
                  speculators and black-market hustlers, is going
                  mainstream.  A survey fielded in November    "Beyond payments, blockchain provides banks the
        C 2021 by the Pew Research Center found nearly         opportunity to streamline complex workflows and optimize
        nine in 10 adult Americans have heard at least a little about   internal processes," Frank Sorrentino, chairman and CEO
        cryptocurrency, and 16 percent have invested in, traded or   at New Jersey-based ConnectOne Bank, wrote in an article
        used a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin or Ether.        posted by Forbes. "Ultimately, the future of blockchain
                                                               banking has not quite taken shape, but there's never been a
        Research by the website and the crypto    more exciting time to build a blueprint."
        payment service provider BitPay found 18 percent of the
        adult population, or 46 million consumers, are keen on the   A new report from FTI Consulting revealed that at most
        idea of purchasing items with cryptocurrency.          of the largest financial services companies in the United

        "We're in the early days of paying with crypto, both online   Contributed articles inside by:
        and in-stores," said Jeremy Belostock, head of advanced
        payment methods at Verifone.                             Chad Otar ................................................................................................15
                                                                 Jeff Fortney .............................................................................................28
        As with all things digital, however, crypto is more likely to
        vault than meander into the mainstream. "Five years from   Tyler Kem .................................................................................................30
        now you can expect to see wide-scale adoption," predicted   David Haber ............................................................................................32
        Eric Brown, founder and CEO of CryptoBucks, a payment
        processor that supports crypto as well as traditional card   Duleepa Karunaratne ..........................................................................33
                                                                 TOC on page 3

                                                                                      Continued on page 26
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